Random Thought

I think this whole being in self isolation is affecting more than my non existent social life and lack of work.

It’s affecting my non existent sleep schedule. And by affecting, I mean every sound in my home that I used to ignore/know exactly what it was…now sounds consistently like somebody walking through the house.

I know it’s not, but I think a little bit of paranoia is starting…and there’s still 26 days of this round of stay at home orders.

My main source of the paranoia is the idea that desperate people who are out of work…will be desperate.

It also didn’t help that this past holiday season, a guy knocked on our door when I was home alone and was acting reeeeaaallllyy shady. Like, facing away from the door and standing enough to the side that if I opened the door, he could easily force his way in or surprise me.

I’m a little jumpy, now.

And I hate that. I hate that I’m even thinking people would do that during this already sucky time…but this is an unusual time. And most people can’t handle unusual.

But as a teenage goth once said, “I myself am…unusual.”

I think that was the quote…close enough.

Yes, I watched Tiger King

I watched it. I liked it.

It only really shocked me twice. The first time was due to footage of someone post tiger attack (not too graphic, but I mean you could pretty much see what happened).

The second time was the footage of a man who witnessed another man shoot himself in the head.

The second one was far more shocking. I actually didn’t expect it, but also DID expect it as they led up to the event.

All the twists and turns were played up a bit, but at the same time…EVERY SINGLE PERSON was shady as hell. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!

Whatever the true story (or stories) is, I did enjoy binge watching the entire series.

That’s all.