That Didn’t Take Long

Well……….that didn’t take long.

I said I’d attempt to post something every day and managed to last…two days?

High five to ME!

But I guess in order to make this post at least worth reading……

The holiday season can be a time of joy…but for some it can also be a dark time.

This time of year is notorious for raising anxiety and depression amongst many people. This particular year will probably be adding even more to that…cause it was this year.

Check in with friends and family. Even a short message or a simple “Happy Holidays” will suffice.

This year has been a rough and tough and just overall shitty year for everyone. But maybe the last couple of weeks could be the beginning of a more positive year…fingers crossed.

I probably won’t remember to post tomorrow or the next day…but I’ll try my best.

Happy Holidays.

Whale of a Birthday

My birthday is in January…I know, I know. That doesn’t really count as a “Holiday memory”…but I’m going to include this story because it was the end of an era.

When I left Indiana for college in California, my parents retired and moved to Maui, HI. When I could, I would visit for Christmas (the only times I didn’t when I had to work).

Anybut, in 2016, my parents moved back to the mainland. So, for the last time I’d visit before their move, we went whale watching. We’ve done it many times throughout the years, but this was special.

Not only was it the last whale watching we’d probably ever do in Maui, it was the last time I’d probably ever visit the island…it’s expensive to fly out there and stay in a hotel.

I really loved whale watching because even if you didn’t see a lot of whales, you always saw SOMETHING. We didn’t expect anything like what we witnessed.

The boat we were on easily found a whale and we followed it, thinking we’d lose track of it in no time.

Then we got SURROUNDED! I mean there were four or five whales that appeared from outta nowhere. The captain had to shut off the engine (humpbacks are an endangered species and large boats are required to turn their engines off when within a certain distance).

Long story short…I got a selfie with a whale.

My parents like to joke that this was Hawaii giving them a farewell gift.

Before I show video, I should preface with this: I’ve gone whale watching many times in Maui…but this was the first time this EVER happened to us. Even the captain of the boat stopped what he was doing to get some pictures.

Here are videos of how close these buggers got (I apologize for any weird sounds as I adjust my grip on my phone so it doesn’t fall into the ocean):

“What is happening?!” one of the guides on the boat.
This is the whale in my selfie checking out the boat.

Also, apologies if I’ve already posted about this…but it’s still one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced.

Holiday Time!!

It’s December and it’s time for some random Holiday-ness.

I’m not 100% sure what to do this year so I thought I’d attempt, keyword attempt, to do something every day until January 1st…I make no promises, but I will do my best.

And to make this something besides an announcement/introduction post…here’s a random fact:

Every year for the past 3 years I helped prepare and fix props for touring productions of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the Musical.

That’s not the fun fact. The fun fact is that if you’ve ever seen this randomly touring show in the US, I want you to know that means you are one degree of separation from me…creepy, right?

Anybut, needless to say this year the touring shows have been cancelled and therefore I didn’t have the honor of repainting two dozen chairs, two large tables, so many ladders, toys, tools, repairing tinsel jumpropes (yes, really), a number of instruments, or re-wrapping HUNDREDS (okay, not hundreds…but a LOT) of presents.

I’m sad…but also a little relieved. Nothing makes you want to never see another piece of wrapping paper like wrapping over four dozen empty boxes every year before December.

I’m sad for the performers, technicians, and production personnel who look forward to this touring show and hopefully, it will be back next year…hopefully.