A Serious Note

Someone I greatly respected passed away over the weekend.

He was a hard worker. He was an inspiration. He was someone who could work with anyone and bring out the best in others. He knew how to bring laughter to stressful days. He was a professional with so much to teach.

When we worked together there was no question he would fight for everyone. When he was crew chief there was no question the crew would be phenomenal. When he was working a show there was no question the show would be phenomenal.

He leaves behind his fantastic family (who I was fortunate to meet many times), his loyal crew, and so many others who knew him, loved him, and will take everything he taught us forever forward through our lives.

As he would say before every single show:

Oh lord. Please don’t let me fuck up. Never give up. Never surrender. And may the force be with you. Have a great show.

I’m sorry, Russ. This is the one time I can’t keep to our crew motto: You go, I go. You went, but I still have work to do here. But I’ll keep your spirit with me through every show and every hard day.

Update Feb. 20th 2021

In regards to my previous post: The smoke was most likely due to a manure fire many, many miles away from where I live…so that’s good.

I’ve been working on my second book in my fantasy series…and hopefully it will be coming out in March…hopefully.

My theater job is still closed (since March of last year so approaching 1 year anniversary of no theater…yay -_-). I’ve been doing a few odd jobs, but if things keep going this way…well, you all know (especially if you’re in the USA).

My anxiety, depression, and surprise paranoia are all getting along with each other…just not with me, but my kitten is keeping me grounded with nightly and morning cuddles.

That’s all for now…cause I can’t think of anything else interesting enough to mention. Just checking in.

Is that Smoke?

So, yeah, it’s around 4 am and I have yet to go to sleep…not from lack of trying, I assure you.

Around 3:30 am (really a little bit before that but close enough), as I prepared to finally attempt to fall asleep, my nose was greeted with an interesting scent.


Now…I live in Southern California….you don’t really want to ever smell smoke in the middle of the night…but it isn’t an overwhelming smell…just…there.

I bounced from window to window to see if I could find the source, noticing the smell was definitely coming from outside since our house isn’t exactly airtight. I could smell it stronger when the wind blew outside and through the not airtight windows.

But I couldn’t see the source.

Though, there was a strange light across the street where there usually isn’t a light. So, that was weird. But it turned off about 5ish minutes ago.

Also, no fire trucks or any signs of first responders. Therefor, I can only conclude the smoke I’m smelling is from a fire a good distance away….and I hope it stays that way.

Of course, now I can’t sleep cause the smell is still here and my paranoia is kicking in and I think that’s it for sleeping tonight.

AND in all honesty…..it’s probably just somebody having a bonfire night or something….on a Wednesday evening/very early Thursday morning….sure. It could happen.