National Vote by Mail day

This is truly one of the only times I will be political…because it’s important.

Voting by mail is safe, is easy, and, for someone with anxiety, makes the whole process less stressful. You get the ballot early enough to do research on any position you don’t know about in order to make a real educated vote.

ALSO!!! You can track your ballot and know the EXACT moment your vote is counted.

With all of the concern over the virus that must not be named (otherwise algorithms tend to push your post to the grave) voting by mail is the safest option available.

Though there are still a number of states that require excuses in order to vote by mail, most do not…so there is NO EXCUSE not to do it!

Check if you’re registered to vote and get the resources you need to vote by mail here:

Enough political talk…but really, consider voting by mail if you hate standing in long lines and feeling pressured in a small box…like I do.

Cliche Smeeshay

I have to get this off my chest.

I love cliches….okay SOME cliches. There are still some cliches that drive me up the wall.

But usually the cliches that tick me off are the ones involving winks to the audience. I can stand a couple in a book….but if there’s one every other page…I kind of want to throw the book against the wall.

There are exceptions. Ready Player One was bearable. But if you’re trying to entice your audience into enjoying a story by referencing things…with no relation to the story, just kind of as a nudge nudge wink wink moment, no thank you.

Other cliches I don’t mind. I don’t mind the parent/guardian being dead or dying a the beginning. I don’t mind the familial relation reveal (if handled well, obviously). I don’t mind the love triangle or will they won’t they story lines.

I could go on…but I won’t. Otherwise this post will be far too long.

I guess the point of this post is really to say…everyone is different. Cliches may be overdone, but there’s a reason.

Also, sorry, there truthfully aren’t that many ways to write stories that won’t annoy some people while others love it.

Many Me’s

Does anyone else, when they’re being relatively successful or have their hands in multiple projects, ever feel like…

I’m not sure how to explain this without sounding a little weird…but when has that ever really stopped me?

I’ve got a lot of things going on, one not presently active due to the current pandemic, and I feel like…they’re all happening to other versions of me…

Like I said, I sound weird. But I mean, they say everyone has multiple personalities that they put on depending on who they’re around. Not to be confused with DID, which is an actual disorder, I’m not talking about having other people inside of me.

I just mean, I feel disconnected (not dissociative) from all these separate parts of my life.

My theater work feels light years away from my writing work, which feels light years away from the YouTube channels I work on, which feels light years away from my social life…what little there is.

Do other people feel like this?

Am I alone in feeling like this?

Should I be talking to a psychiatrist about this? Who am I kidding…I can’t afford a psychiatrist.

I miss the music

March 1st was the last time I worked in the theater. And I’m going to get a little serious here, for a minute.

I miss the music. I miss my friend(s). No need to ask me. What I prefer. I choose the music.

Any Curtains fans reading? Anyone? For those not in the know…Curtains a musical. I made a musical reference in my serious post.

Anybut, I wish there was something that can be done. I wish there was some magic spell all the artists who are out of work could cast…pun intended.

Cause I guarantee, every artist is doing what needs to be done…but a small majority seems unable to put aside politics and their own egos to buck up, do what needs to be done, so we can ALL get back to work.

But that’s just my opinion…

>vomitting at the cliche line I typed<

And to add to this serious post:

Perhaps when we all get back to work, we can accept the truth that there is no reason casting has to be so…lacking in diversity. Historical accuracy be damned. If someone fits the role, they FIT THE ROLE! If we can suspend belief to accept people randomly breaking out into song and dance, I think we’re ready (and long overdue) to suspend our belief in other things as well.


I have a big announcement….you probably guessed that from the title of this post….

Anybut, I’ve been teasing this news for a while and now I can stop the tease and tell you what I’ve been working on for…well….feels like forever.

I’M GETTING PUBLISHED!! I’ve written a fantasy series and it’s going to be available to BUY!!

I don’t have a date quite yet, but it’s VERY soon.

If you want to be one of the first to learn when and where you can buy a copy make sure to check out my author web page at:

I’m very excited to share this project I’ve been working on for SOOOO long! But I won’t be promoting it (besides this post) on this blog. That’s what my author page is for.