Category Archives: ANNOUNCEMENT!!

Shameless Self Promotion!

Today is a big day!

For those who don’t know, last year I published the first book in my fantasy series!

Well, today the second book is NOW AVAILABLE TO BUY!!

If you want to check it out, you can click HERE!

If you want to check out the first book, you can click HERE!

If you aren’t interested then disregard this post and have a fabulous rest of your week!

Bloodfall Arena Audiobook now available!!

I don’t know why, but I’ve been a day off for almost a month now.



The audiobook of my debut fantasy novel Bloodfall Arena is now available to buy!!

I have to absolutely give it to the AMAZINGLY talented Zura Johnson for bringing my characters and the story to LIFE!!!

Definitely check her out at

Available now on Amazon and Audible.


A while ago…like a long while ago…I mentioned the fact I was publishing a book…



It’s available to buy now! Normally I wouldn’t self promote on this blog…okay that’s a lie, but normally I would be too anxious to do it.

But I’m proud of this book. I’ve been working on this fantasy series for 10 years and these past 4 or 5 months have been stressful.

Stressful because of what’s going on in the world and stressful for having to go through the publishing process with an independent publishing company and no agent.

ANYBUT! Here it is! My baby and my nightmare:

It exists! There are physical copies humans can buy! (As well as digital copies)

“But where can I buy a copy?” You may (not) be asking.

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play Books, Apple Books, Kobo, and SO MANY MORE!!!

I’ll put links where I can.

Here is the back cover blurb for all y’all:

Aya Flandeen's rare gift has always set her apart from the rest of her village. Though she yearns to venture into the outside world, she didn't expect her journey to start with a brutal slave-trader's raid. Revealing her powers to save the townsfolk, Aya's heroism ends in disaster when she's abducted and compelled to participate in a gladiatorial fight to the death.

Aya barely survives the brutal combat thanks to a surprising ally, a mysterious young man who also possesses a magical gift. But when a cruel king drops them both into a savage tournament, her only chance lies in teaming up with fellow captives to oppose the deadly beasts and assassins.

Can Aya lead a revolt and escape the violent contest?

Do you want to keep up to date on any other big news regarding this series? I’ve got an author page for that! Click here to check it out!

National Vote by Mail day

This is truly one of the only times I will be political…because it’s important.

Voting by mail is safe, is easy, and, for someone with anxiety, makes the whole process less stressful. You get the ballot early enough to do research on any position you don’t know about in order to make a real educated vote.

ALSO!!! You can track your ballot and know the EXACT moment your vote is counted.

With all of the concern over the virus that must not be named (otherwise algorithms tend to push your post to the grave) voting by mail is the safest option available.

Though there are still a number of states that require excuses in order to vote by mail, most do not…so there is NO EXCUSE not to do it!

Check if you’re registered to vote and get the resources you need to vote by mail here:

Enough political talk…but really, consider voting by mail if you hate standing in long lines and feeling pressured in a small box…like I do.

Big Step

I took a big step today.

I sent possibly one of the most important emails of MY LIFE!!

But I don’t know when to officially give myself the title of…….soon to be published author? Is it now or is it when there is a publishing date set?


But the one thing I CAN say is this:

I have a contract. I have an independent publishing company who wants to publish my book.


No Random News this Saturday

There will not be a random news.

There is too much going on.

Every random news will be in some form related to the Coronavirus.

That’s how much this has affected EVERYTHING.

There is NOTHING I can post that won’t in some form or some twisted way have to do with the Coronavirus.

And I don’t want to pretend it isn’t happening. I don’t want to act like everything is fine.

So there won’t be a random news post on Saturday.

Holey Ship High In Transit!!!

Okay, I know I said I was going to do a random news post last Saturday, but the personal thing that happened last week kicked into high gear literally the day after my last post.

Some major BS happened that basically took all of my focus and my complete attention away from everything.

And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING!

I spent many nights not in my bed and staying up until 2 in the morning (which normally wouldn’t be a big deal) then waking up at 7 in the morning.

Now I hear you regular 9-5ers snorting in amusement, but let me add this caveat: From 7am-2am I was in a constant state of emotional distress of varying levels.

I should re-emphasize that this distress was not due to something immediately affecting me, but came from trying to comfort and help my friend through a very difficult and surprisingly teetering time.

I am not in ANY way upset about doing this. I care very deeply for my friends and will do everything in my power to help them. But this was something I had very little knowledge on how to solve or help. What I did know was that my friend needed me and that was more important than all of the other things I wanted to focus on this past week.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so…jet-lagged without the actual jet part. I lost track of time. It feels like it’s been a month since this all started.

Out of respect to my friend’s privacy I will absolutely NOT discuss it on here. My only regret is that I have rehearsals starting next week and the week after that I will be on a cruise ship. I won’t be able to do anything beside texting my support and that bothers me.

I’m going to try to make up for this lack of posts next week with a random news post on Saturday, a post a day detailing the rehearsal process, AND a post a day the following week on the cruise which is also a writer’s conference…as much as I can….not sure how dodgy the internet will be…

Anybut……’s a tip for the day/life. Communication is the MOST important thing in any and ALL relationships.


I apologize for being MIA…. even more so than usual.

A very large thing has happened in my personal life that is taking all of my attention and emotional support to get through.

It’s not something that explicitly happened to ME but a very dear, close friend. And nothing is more import to me than my family and my friends.

I will still post random news on Saturday. But until this thing is calmed down… I will be even more sporadic in posting.

BUT!! I WILL still be posting. And hopefully this thing will be calmed down soon.

Cuz rehearsals for my next show start in less than 2 weeks…..and then I’m on a cruise ship/writer’s conference.

Anybut, I guess this has been a random update.

Self Care

Happy (belated) New Year!

The new year for me started with some anxiety and I realized I needed a break. I needed a moment to really consider what I want out of 2020.

I’m sorry I didn’t post until 7 days into the new year, but I needed to step away from the computer. I needed to self care.

But it gave me a lot of time to think.

So here are some things I decided:

I’m continuing this blog (of course). But don’t expect a post every day. I’ll try, but if I don’t make it…oh well. Although! For sure expect Random News to become a weekly feature. Every Saturday I will post 5 random news stories and my random opinions on them…BUT I will still avoid certain news stories for the sake of MY sanity.

I’m going to, maybe, discuss some other projects I’m working on…things that are available to all you lovely folks. Including my YouTube channels…for those interested.

There are some other things in the works, but it’s still too early to talk about them/put them out into the universe.

So, overall…..

THANK YOU! Thank you all for making 2019 survivable. I can’t wait to see where this blog goes in the future!