Category Archives: Random (Inside) Jokes


Let’s talk about Twilight…

HOLD ON!! DON’T LOOK AWAY!!! I really mean Twilight WITH RiffTrax.

What’s RiffTrax? Do you know about Mystery Science Theater 3000? It’s the same guys who did that but now they add commentary to modern, well-known movies, too.

(For those still too young to know MST3K, it was an old show on the SyFy Channel where a guy trapped on a space station with two little robots was forced to watch really bad B Movies. In order to get through them, the three would make comments during the movie to comedic effect. Think of it like React Videos but actually funny…shots fired.)

Anybut, my friends and I decided to watch the entire Twilight series….WITH RiffTrax (truthfully, the ONLY way to watch it). And while we were watching the first movie with the hilarious commentary, the biggest laugh was possibly when Edward Cullen walked in and one of the commenters said, “Laaaaaaaadies.” The scene was shot in slow motion and Edward slowly raised his eyes.

For some reason this was the funniest thing we’d ever seen and now we say that to each other ALL…THE…TIME.


Awesome Possum

I have a bone to pick…

I used to say this ALL the time in middle school through high school. I was the ONLY person I knew who said this. I never heard anyone else use it. I never saw someone use it on TV or anywhere. I WAS MADE FUN OF FOR SAYING IT ALL THE TIME!!!

Now, all of the sudden…it…is…EVERYWHERE!!!

I mean, to be honest, it’s not like it’s the most innovative, creative, or whatever saying ever thought of. It rhymes. It’s catchy. And if you’re from the midwest it may have other connotations…ok…maybe not really, but maybe!

What’s my point?

I don’t know.

I guess…just to have a smug reaction to all the people who used to make fun of me for saying it all the time. SEE!!! I thought of something people say all the time now!

NOTE: I am aware this may actually have been a popular phrase in the south and I’m just a stupid northerner who thought of something that millions of people already said….and maybe I heard it in a movie as a small child my parents were watching and I just don’t remember because I was a child watching a movie for older folks…….BUT! At least among my friends in Indiana, I was ahead of my time.